Knoxville, TN mortgages and refinancing.


REFG doesn’t publish rates, and there is a good reason why.

A detailed analysis of your financial situation is required in order to provide you an accurate rate quote. Whether in Knoxville, Tennessee or nationwide, factors like loan size, property type, and credit score are all considered when pricing a loan.

We know what it feels like to be told one thing at the beginning and later to discover that something else is in fact the case. We prefer to quote accurately up front, and we take the time with you to do so.

An initial consultation of less than 30 minutes gives us most of the information that we need to give you a meaningful rate quote. This is the beginning of a relationship that ultimately will provide you with the loan best suited to your needs.

Call us today, 865-584-1584 or Toll-free 888-260-9301.